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Terms of Service:
Please read the entirety of the terms and conditions mindfully, do not assume anything. By utilizing or any other communication of Advantage Signs & Graphics, Inc, via internet (this website and/or e-mail), telephone (speaking to someone or via messages), or in person, or otherwise, you are agreeing to be bound by the following. Advantage Signs & Graphics reserves the right to make add, delete, or otherwise modify the terms & conditions at any time and in its sole discretion. If you are not willing to abide by any of the statements in the terms and conditions please do not use any aspect of the information or services provided by Advantage Signs & Graphics.
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The Customer warrants that the subject matter to be printed is not copyrighted by a third party. The Customer also agrees not to infringe on trademarks, patents, trade secrets, the right of privacy, the right of publicity or other legal right of any third party and will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. The customer recognizes that because subject matter does not have to bear a copyright notice in order to be protected by copyright law, absence of such notice does not necessarily assure a right to reproduce. The customer further warrants that no copyright notice has been removed from any material used in preparing the subject matter for reproduction. To support these warranties, the customer agrees to indemnify and hold Advantage Signs & Graphics harmless for all liability, damages, and attorney fees that may be incurred in any legal action connected with copyright infringement involving the work produced or provided.

Any and all pertinent information that is needed to fulfill a customer order, from the conception of the order being placed and up until the time it is shipped from our facility, must be in the customer's file under that specific order. All customers have the opportunity to provide pertinent information via the special instructions field in the order form, email, postal mail, telephone, or in person.
When you submit questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, or other material via e-mail or other communications, you grant Advantage Signs & Graphics permission to use such submissions for marketing and other promotional purposes. You agree that Advantage Signs & Graphics will have no obligation to keep any submissions confidential. You will not bring a claim against Advantage Signs & Graphics based on "moral rights" or the likes arising from Advantage Signs & Graphics' use of a submission. This section does not apply to your content that will appear as part of your product that you use in connection with any Advantage Signs & Graphics service.

Advantage Signs & Graphics will only maintain extended coverage on property belonging to the customer while the property is in the possession of Advantage Signs & Graphics. Advantage Signs & Graphics' liability for this property will not exceed the amount recoverable from the insurance.
Advantage Signs & Graphics Provides Services On An "As Is" And "As Available" Basis. Advantage Signs & Graphics Does Not Represent Or Warrant That The Website, Service, Or Its Use Will Be Uninterrupted, Will Be Free Of Inaccuracies Or Errors, Will Meet Your Requirements, Or Will Operate In The Configuration Or With The Hardware Or Software You Use. Advantage Signs & Graphics Makes No Warranties Other Than Those Made Expressly In These Terms And Conditions, And Hereby Disclaims Any And All Implied Warranties, Including Without Limitation, Warranties Of Fitness For A Particular Purpose, Merchantability, And Non-Infringement.

Advantage Signs & Graphics will not be liable to you or any third party for any consequential, incidental, indirect, punitive or special damages (including damages relating to lost profits, lost data, or loss of goodwill) arising out of, relating to, or connected with the use of the Advantage Signs & Graphics service, based on any cause of action, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
Limitation of liability: except for a break of a party's representations and warranties under these terms & conditions or in connection with your indemnity obligations under these terms & conditions, in no event will the liability of Advantage Signs & Graphics exceed the value of products received or services rendered. The value of products or services are limited to the stated value on the Advantage Signs & Graphics website or as stated by an authorized Advantage Signs & Graphics agent.

The rights and obligations of the parties shall be governed by, and entering into a business transaction with Advantage Signs & Graphics shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, the laws of the State of Minnesota, excluding its conflict of laws rules to the extent such rules would apply the law of another jurisdiction. The parties hereto consent to the jurisdiction of all federal and state courts in Minnesota, and agree that venue shall lie exclusively in Minnesota. Any action or proceeding arising out of or related to this Agreement shall be brought and enforced only in the state and federal courts located in Minnesota, and the parties consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts and waive any argument that venue in any such forum is not convenient.

The Customer agrees to protect Advantage Signs & Graphics from economic loss and any other harmful consequences that could arise in connection with the work. This means that the Customer will hold Advantage Signs & Graphics harmless and safe, indemnify, and otherwise defend him/her against claims, demands, actions, and proceedings on any and all grounds. This will apply regardless of responsibility for negligence.

Disclaimer of Express Warranties: Advantage Signs & Graphics warrants that the work is as described in the purchase order. The Customer understands that the work shown in a proof when approved is what will be printed and acknowledges the difference in appearance on-screen when color is represented. Advantage Signs & Graphics will not be held liable under any circumstance for problems resulting from files provided by the Customer (this includes color shifting and issues arising from improper file preparations; SEE FAQ FOR CUSTOMER SUPPLIED FILE GUIDELINES).

If the Customer finds a production error or manufacturing defect in the item(s) he/she received from Advantage Signs & Graphics, Advantage Signs & Graphics will replace the item(s) at no charge. Original shipping charges are not refundable. ALL CLAIMS MUST BE INITIATED WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER DELIVERY OF PRODUCT.
In no event will Advantage Signs & Graphics or its suppliers be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages, including, without limitation lost profits or revenues, costs of replacement goods, loss or damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use this website or any Advantage Signs & Graphics product, damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information provided in this website, even if Advantage Signs & Graphics or its suppliers have been advised on the possibility of such damages.

There are links to sites which are not owned by Advantage Signs & Graphics on this website. You acknowledge and agree that Advantage Signs & Graphics is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or resources, and does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. You agree that Advantage Signs & Graphics will not be liable to you in any way for your use of such services.

The Customer also warrants that the work does not contain anything that is libelous or scandalous, or anything that threatens anyone's right to privacy or their personal or economic rights. The Customer will, at the Customer's sole expense, promptly and thoroughly defend Advantage Signs & Graphics in all legal actions on these grounds as long as Advantage Signs & Graphics:
Promptly notifies the customer of all legal action; and gives the customer reasonable time to undertake and conduct a defense. Advantage Signs & Graphics reserves the right to use his/her sole discretion in refusing to print anything he/she deems illegal, libelous, scandalous, improper, or infringing upon copyright law. Advantage Signs & Graphics refuses to print or promote any form of pornographic images or nudity. Advantage Signs & Graphics also reserves the right to reject orders that contain the strong use of written foul language and swear words, which is considered offensive to the general public.

Production schedules will be established and followed by both the Customer and Advantage Signs & Graphics. In the event that the Customer does not adhere to the production schedules, delivery dates will be subject to renegotiation. There will be no liability or penalty for delays due to state of war, riot, civil disorder, fire, strikes, accidents, action of government or civil authority, acts of God, or other causes beyond the control of Advantage Signs & Graphics. In such cases schedules will be extended by an amount of time equal to the delay incurred.

Reflective Decals Terms of Service

The Customer must make a claim in writing no later than 48 hours after delivery of order. If such a claim is not made within those 48 hours, Advantage Signs & Graphics will understand that the product has been accepted. By accepting the product, the Customer acknowledges that the provider's performance has completely satisfied all terms, conditions, and specifications. The provider's liability will be limited to the quoted selling price of defective goods, without additional liability for special or consequential damages. As security for payment of any sum due under the terms of an agreement, Advantage Signs & Graphics has the right to hold and place a lien on all customer property in the possession of Advantage Signs & Graphics. This right applies even if credit has been extended, notes have been accepted, trade acceptances have been made, or payment has been guaranteed. If payment is not made, the customer is liable for all collection costs incurred.

By using any service of Advantage Signs & Graphics, the Customer agrees and acknowledges that the Customer is the legal owner and/or licensee of ALL submitted artwork to Advantage Signs & Graphics. The customer also relinquishes Advantage Signs & Graphics of any legal liability related to copyright violation and/or infringement. The customer assumes sole responsibility and liability of ALL forms of submitted artwork to Advantage Signs & Graphics. The Customer will retain ownership of the content uploaded or sent to Advantage Signs & Graphics.
We guarantee the accuracy of the spelling, sizes, and color location of your proof. We cannot guarantee color accuracy due to the variations of computer displays.
Ship dates are established from the time Advantage Signs & Graphics receives proof  approbal and are shipped using UPS. Advantage Signs & Graphics IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS THAT ARE MADE BY THE UPS INCLUDING DAMBAGES TO THE PRODUCT. Advantage Signs & Graphics WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBEL FOR WEATHER, ACTS OF GOD, OR OTHER THINGS WE CANNOT CONTROL. Advantage Signs & Graphics does not deliver to P.O. boxes, a street address must be provided for every order.

After product has shipped, all shipping company terms & conditions apply for lost or delayed packages. If you have a deadline, you must request expedited shipping as ground shipments are not guaranteed. We will not refund the banner cost is UPS or any oter shipping company has a delay in the delivery of your package. All refunds are limited to actual shipping cost refunded to Advantage Signs & Graphicsfrom shipping company. Terms for the shipping company still apply to lost packages.
Shipping insurance is abailabel at the customer's es=xpense. 3% of total order is charged for insurance. Advantage Signs & Graphics supplies shipping insurance at our cost on all orders over $500 in value. If poduct is damaged in shipping, damaged goods must be returned and then replacement product will be sient, see REFUNDS section of these terms & conditions for further information. Lost packages will be replaced agter shipping company confirms loss, this generally takes 7-10 business days after intial lost product inquiry. Again, please order early as we cannot control delivery after your product leaves our facility. Overnight orders that are completed ahead of schedule will ship using a method guaranteed for you to receive your order on time. No refund will be given in this case.
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Reflective Decals, Labels or Stickers

The design and manufacture of Reflective Decals since 1988
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  • How will the decal be used?
  • How long should the decal last?

    (weeks, months, years?)

  • How big is your decal?
  • How many decals?
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reflective decal or label minneapolis
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reflective decal or label production st paul
Result: Happy customer
Here's what we need to know.
You can either send us a premade print, or you can send us text, colors, graphics, and photos and our designers can create a custom decal for your business.

Samples are available.
We accept all major credit cards. While you pay, you can also set up and account with Advantage Sign and graphics to make your next purchase quicker and easier!
Beautiful reflective decals produced in 2-5 business days and shipped to you.
Result: Advantage Signs & Graphics stays in business
Advantage Signs & Graphics, inc
Advantage Signs & Graphics, Inc.
75 S Owasso Blvd. W
St Paul, Minnesota 55117
Fax 651-636-8889
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A Division of Advantage Signs & Graphics, Inc | Copyright © 2023 | All Rights Reserved
A Division of Advantage Signs & Graphics, Inc | Copyright © 2023 | All Rights Reserved
We can ship Reflective Decals and Label Anywhere in the USA from our location in St Paul MN

Alabama, Montgomery (AL), Alaska, Juneau (AK) Arizona, Phoenix (AZ) Arkansas, Little Rock (AR) California Sacramento (CA) Colorado, Denver (CO) Connecticut, Hartford (CT) Delaware, Dover (DE) Florida, Tallahassee (FL) Georgia, Atlanta (GA) Hawaii, Honolulu (HI) Idaho, Boise (ID) Illinois, Springfield (IL) Indiana, Indianapolis (IN) Iowa, Des Moines (IA) Kansas, Topeka (KS) Kentucky, Frankfort (KY) Louisiana, Baton Rouge (LA) Maine, Augusta (ME) Maryland, Annapolis (MD) Massachusetts, Boston (MA) Michigan, Lansing (MI) Minnesota, St. Paul (MN) Mississippi, Jackson (MS) Missouri, Jefferson City (MO) Montana, Helena (MT) Nebraska, Lincoln (NE) Nevada, Carson City (NV) New Hampshire, Concord (NH) New Jersey, Trenton (NJ) New Mexico, Santa Fe (NM) New York, Albany (NY) North Carolina, Raleigh (NC) North Dakota, Bismark (ND) Ohio, Columbus (OH) Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Oregon, Salem (OR) Pennsylvania, Harrisburg (PA) Rhode Island, Providence (RI) South Carolina, Columbia (SC) South Dakota, Pierre (SD) Tennessee, Nashville (TN) Texas, Austin (TX) Utah, Salt Lake City (UT) Vermont, Montpelier (VT) Virginia, Richmond (VA) Washington, Olympia (WA) West Virginia, Charleston (WV) Wisconsin, Madison (WI) Wyoming, Cheyenne (WY)
Reflective Decals since 1988