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Send Us a File


Send files (under 10mb file size) with ordering instructions and your contact information to:


Send files (over 10mb file size) with ordering instructions and your contact information to this address (Dropbox)

Please include email address with your file

File Type Specifications

- Photoshop files must be flattened. Unflattened Photoshop files are very large.

- EPS and AI files must have fonts outlined and image embedded in the artwork.

- TIFF files must have ZIP compression


Convert fonts to outlines when possible. By converting fonts to outlines in programs like Illustrator and FreeHand, you will avoid having to send fonts with your files. When fonts are outlined, the text becomes a vector shape and will look no different than its original state.


All of our products are printed in CMYK. If files are submitted in RGB, color shifting will take place. Please let us know if you have PMS colors to match. Please save color images to CMYK. Color & Grayscale images: 300 to 400 dpi to 100%.

Vector vs Raster Images

Unlike a raster image (jpeg, tiff, png, etc.), vector art (EPS, AI, sometimes PDF) uses geometric primitives like points, lines, and shapes, to create art that is clean and can be scaled infinitely, without any loss in quality. For large format printing, a vector logo and artwork are preferred so that all of the edges of the artwork appear clean and crystal clear when printed at full size. Recreating an agency logo in vector can be done for a fee. Please ask us for more details.

Where to obtain a vector file? A vector file can almost always be acquired from the department that produces your agency’s communication / marketing materials, or from the designer that created the logo. Vector art (otherwise known as “lines and curves” or “outlines”) is usually saved as an Adobe Illustrator (AI), EPS or PDF* file. Please note that not all of these files will open on your computer if you do not have the proper programs. Sometimes they are in a file with a number of different formats to assist in other ways. If you are unsure of the content of a file, you can always send it to us to verify.

*Not all PDF files are created equal - - resaving a raster image file to a PDF does not convert it to vector. The only way to know for sure if a PDF art file is vector, is to open it in a vector illustration program.
Vector Vs Raster
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Reflective Decals, Labels or Stickers

The design and manufacture of Reflective Decals since 1988
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  • How will the decal be used?
  • How long should the decal last?

    (weeks, months, years?)

  • How big is your decal?
  • How many decals?
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Here's what we need to know.
You can either send us a premade print, or you can send us text, colors, graphics, and photos and our designers can create a custom decal for your business.

Samples are available.
We accept all major credit cards. While you pay, you can also set up and account with Advantage Sign and graphics to make your next purchase quicker and easier!
Beautiful reflective decals produced in 2-5 business days and shipped to you.
Result: Advantage Signs & Graphics stays in business
Advantage Signs & Graphics, inc
Advantage Signs & Graphics, Inc.
75 S Owasso Blvd. W
St Paul, Minnesota 55117
Fax 651-636-8889
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A Division of Advantage Signs & Graphics, Inc | Copyright © 2023 | All Rights Reserved
A Division of Advantage Signs & Graphics, Inc | Copyright © 2023 | All Rights Reserved
We can ship Reflective Decals and Label Anywhere in the USA from our location in St Paul MN

Alabama, Montgomery (AL), Alaska, Juneau (AK) Arizona, Phoenix (AZ) Arkansas, Little Rock (AR) California Sacramento (CA) Colorado, Denver (CO) Connecticut, Hartford (CT) Delaware, Dover (DE) Florida, Tallahassee (FL) Georgia, Atlanta (GA) Hawaii, Honolulu (HI) Idaho, Boise (ID) Illinois, Springfield (IL) Indiana, Indianapolis (IN) Iowa, Des Moines (IA) Kansas, Topeka (KS) Kentucky, Frankfort (KY) Louisiana, Baton Rouge (LA) Maine, Augusta (ME) Maryland, Annapolis (MD) Massachusetts, Boston (MA) Michigan, Lansing (MI) Minnesota, St. Paul (MN) Mississippi, Jackson (MS) Missouri, Jefferson City (MO) Montana, Helena (MT) Nebraska, Lincoln (NE) Nevada, Carson City (NV) New Hampshire, Concord (NH) New Jersey, Trenton (NJ) New Mexico, Santa Fe (NM) New York, Albany (NY) North Carolina, Raleigh (NC) North Dakota, Bismark (ND) Ohio, Columbus (OH) Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Oregon, Salem (OR) Pennsylvania, Harrisburg (PA) Rhode Island, Providence (RI) South Carolina, Columbia (SC) South Dakota, Pierre (SD) Tennessee, Nashville (TN) Texas, Austin (TX) Utah, Salt Lake City (UT) Vermont, Montpelier (VT) Virginia, Richmond (VA) Washington, Olympia (WA) West Virginia, Charleston (WV) Wisconsin, Madison (WI) Wyoming, Cheyenne (WY)
Reflective Decals since 1988